My titles? Jesus lover, wife, mother of two, daughter to many, sister one way or another, friend, runner, reader, grace clinger, thoughts and ideas archiver, yogi, nature explorer, joy seeker, family dweller, coffee drinker, ministry leader, gluten-free whole food eater, sinner, homemaker, accountant... in no particular order.
God’s title for me? Chosen. I. am. chosen. By an almighty Creator. The very same One who made the mountains and sky and rained down color and mercy made me. Chose me. For relationship. With Him. With you.
And so, I pray to live in the present with eternal intention totally surrendered to Him, to choose joy, to love the broken and lost, to focus on the people rather than the never-ending tasks, to be Jesus to my husband and children and those around me in His strength and power, to be an empty vessel ready to carry His message, to glorify Him in everything. But I'm not perfect, just passionate and I need His grace like rain in a dry land.
I stand in awe of Him who transforms my mess right before my very eyes. Beauty from ashes... my mess of ashes churned beautiful by His scarred hands for eternity. It's a wonderful, completely undeserved, remarkably amazing gift, and I am unwrapping it one day at a time.
This blog?
This is an archive of my journey to conform to the likeness of Christ – smack dab in the middle of everyday living like dishes, laundry and temper tantrums. A place to journal my daily battles down in the trenches of motherhood, womanhood, homemaking, life... the victories and defeats, the mundane moments and the knock-your-socks off celebrations - and everything in between. A place to record the endless gifts that make up this life, share the tools and inspiration found along the path and document God's whispers in my ear. If it's on my heart, it might make it on these pages...
This is me trying to sit at His feet, take care of His temple, and love His people in the same 24 hours we all receive and find joy in it all. Right now, on this leg of my journey, I’m trying to disciple my children while letting Jesus disciple me. I’m trying to prioritize my marriage in the midst of my mothering, but above all – I am seeking to fall desperately in love with the Prince of Peace because something in me knows that it could be that easy. It's often one step forward and two steps back. And so there is grace, again and again. His wildly abundant grace. Unmerited favor... even for a wretch like me.
I don’t claim to be a writer, I don’t claim to be a superwoman and I certainly don’t claim to have it all figured out. I just claim Christ, and I am willing to surrender on the Potter’s wheel in the hope that He will transform this mess I've made into something more beautiful than I could ask or imagine.
I invite you to watch the Potter at work.