Monday, September 24, 2012

A Field of Sweet Boys

I went out to gather the boys for dinner.  Five families with abundant blessings gathered to break bread together in modest square footage drives children to the open outdoor spaces and we always end up with a field of sweet boys.  There were a total of five of them scattered in the fields, each on their own mission.

The socialite was talking to the neighbors in their backyards.  The evening breeze carried his tiny voice down wind and I could hear him asking.  “How are you?” “What are you doing?” “Is that your mom?”  He wants to know them.   And I whispered it right there. 
Sweet boy, don’t run from your compassion but always stand this bold in it for Christ.  Always want to know them because knowing them is the same as loving Jesus, loving like Jesus.  Love Him and care for His sheep. 
The oldest was furthest away and off the beaten path. A path I know all too well.  As we age we tend to wander in our growing courage, our maturing strength – sometimes into the bushes.  Not that this particular boy is a wanderer but it made me think of the days when I found freedom and used it so unwisely.  I whispered it right there. 

Don’t be anything like me.   Be stronger than that, wiser.  God’s got great things for you.  I know this because He really has this for all of us.  Great things.  We just need to choose Him.  Choose Him, sweet boy, daily.

The three remaining boys were strewn along the middle of the path, each squatting near their very own discoveries.  Sticks in hand, poking and prodding.  Fingers in the dirt.  Because sometimes you have to get dirty to find the real Truth.  They eventually migrated towards each other.  They wanted to share.  Because if we learn and never share, no glory can come to the only One worthy of it.  And I whispered it right there. 

Never stop looking for Him, sweet boys.  Study His truth and spread it like wildfire.  Share it with all you meet.  Carry His grace with courage and love to this broken world, setting the captives free and glorifying the One who sent you. And don’t be afraid if you get dirty because you already stand clean. Whiter than snow, actually.

And as I turned to walk back, I whispered it right there for all us mamas too. 

Lord, may we become less so you become all.  May we have courage to let go of our dreams and take hold of Your plans for these sweet boys, for all of our children.  Help each of us see them like you see them.  Help us guide them, train them, disciple them for Your Kingdom.  Show us how to lead them. Give us the strength and wisdom to water them in this season and find joy in these trenches.  Come, Holy Spirit, come.

And as I peeked over my shoulder to see if any heeded the call to dinner, I noticed the quietest of them all boldly following behind me.  And I prayed right there, whispered it straight to heaven. 

Lord, let this moment be a constant reminder that I never know when they will choose to follow, so may I always be running straight to You.
