Welcome to my quiet little corner of cyberspace! I'm humbled you stopped by. I hope you will find this space to be grace-filled, transparent and God-centered.
Speaking of transparent, I'm shaking in my flip flops... but speaking of God, He is holding me steady. And I'm excited to see what He has for us here... in His timing!
Who am I? Well, I am not a theologian. And, I wasn't raised in a Christian home. I haven't gotten many things right. In fact, as scales fall from my eyes daily, I discover how much I've gotten wrong and how wild God’s grace really is. I'm just me... human, broken, and constantly learning with Jesus in my heart and my tattered Bible at my side that lives and moves and breathes Yahweh. One thing I’ve learned so far… it’s never too late to let Love in.
You can learn more about me and Just a Beautiful Mess here. My prayer is that our time together is uplifting and encouraging, inviting you to pull up your favorite seat, sip slow your favorite brew and linger a while as we ponder the greatness of our God.
Thank you for joining me on this new adventure, Friend. It just wouldn't be the same without you!