Did you know? Every now and then I write over here, our church's preschool ministry blog. The purpose of the blog is to help parents of preschoolers build faith at home. If you have a minute, check it out. I think I forget to put my name on half the stuff I write. It's kinda nice. I write as a parent, apparently anonymously at times, and not a theologian and I'm sure that is a given since I don't write as a theologian here... because, well, I'm not a theologian. But just to be clear, the only thing that qualifies me is I had preschoolers recently and I love Jesus passionately.
The children's staff at this place is simply amazing. Truly. I'm privileged to call most of these ladies friends and I know their hearts for these kids, for His work. Each of them is beautiful and inspiring and diligent in offering her bread and fish with open hands and a joyful heart to watch God bless the multitudes every week. I don't know how many thanks come their way but I for one want to shout from cyberspace: ThAnK YoU Children's Ministry! You rock!!!!
Currently they teach out of the Jesus Storybook Bible which is what is inpsiring my writing (and makes a great baby shower gift).
Why am I telling you this? First of all, because the Jesus Storybook Bible rocks! Honestly, kids are not required to read this treasure. I learn so much from this book, where "every story whipsers His name". A phrase will catch my heart so I crack open my Bible to see if it really says that.... Yep. It really says that.
And I find whenever I sit down to write the week's posts, God reveals something to me. A little something or a big something, but as I peck out words on the keyboard, I marvel at this God who wastes nothing. Not one single act that was ever recorded in His Living Word has been for no apparent reason. If I think it's irrelevant, by now I know I must need to dig further. It's always relevant. There is always a reason, a significance that helps us here and now. The more I research the culture and dive in to the language and read linking passages, the greater this God on High seems and yet the more intimate He becomes.
Maybe give it a try or keep going... crack open His Word... or the Jesus Storybook Bible. See what He is waiting to speak straight into your heart. I pray it simply amazes you and forever changes you.
Ok... back to our regularyly scheduled programming....God willing.