Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Teaching IS NOT My Gift

I taught my first bible lesson yesterday.  I was nervous.  And though I had prepared I felt completely unprepared.  But I knew I couldn’t delay any longer.  God was asking me to train them in this way.  To deliver His message.  So I took His courage. 

Then at the last minute I had an unexpected guest.  Obviously, an unexpected student only made me more nervous so when the invitation escaped my very own mouth, I almost turned around to ask, "Who said that?".
Well okay, courage, put your faith where your mouth is. 
And I did it.  I delivered the message.  It may not have been perfect but I know God’s grace covers the things I forgot to say or the things I said imperfectly.  The seed was spread, the ground watered.  By the Gardener alone.

Teaching is not my gift and I'm certain God wants me at the epicenter of my weaknesses. No wandering off.  So here I am teaching.  In more ways than I could have possibly dreamed.  And yesterday, with three sets of eyes focused straight on me, ears atuned to my words, I felt Him.  I know He was driving the train.  Because after all, teaching is not my gift yet I had a captive audience.

And His message fell the way He planned, on the ears He had intended all along, even if it wasn’t the way I planned.  And I almost heard Him whisper, "Well done good and faithful servant." Not because anything I said or did was done well, but because I (finally) offered Him my bread and fish.  All I had. Me.

Oh, did I mention the oldest was 9.  Yeah, that age makes me sweat bullets.  But God’s grace made me as cool as a cucumber.  And no, I didn’t use any cheesy metaphors and similes when I delivered my message.  Well, I don't think I did...

And my unexpected guest?  He asked if he could come back again tomorrow.  Well, buddy, tomorrow is Halloween.  How about the next day. 
So on the day after Halloween, I am expecting three bible study students.  I wonder how many will show up.

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